This math class was taught by Vikkie. It was about fractions, taking notes, and dividing, subtracting, multiplying, and adding fractions, and word problems. The one new thing I learned in this class was having fractions go from dividing to multiplying it was very new to me I never knew a thing like that in math existed.

 This class was challenging but towards the end I understood everything that was said and taught to me, because its important stuff that you need in life, in your future. The least favorite topic I didn’t like was taking notes, they are just so long, and to much writing. My favorite topic was the little warm ups, because they were just so darn fun.
I actually have nothing else that I want to learn but there will be some stuff in the future that I will learn that I didn’t even know was real in life. If I could change anything in this class I would make it more fun. I would have little math games every week so we could all have fun learning instead of doing notes all the time. My suggestions to improve this class is work harder, pay attention, and come to class more often. This class was really awesome this semester I enjoyed every minute I was here, and I could have Vikkie again if I had the chance, she explains everything the way I understand it.